I Wish You a Year

I wish you a year where you can drop your expectations and learn to flow with the current of life trusting the process.

A year, where you learn to live in the present moment and enjoy what is there for you, because this is what life is about. The journey.

A year, where compassion overwhelms you and makes you cry because only this way you can be compassionate towards others.

A year, where humility invades you so you can appreciate what you have and enjoy it.

A year, where your greatest desire is to want to give to others, so you can reach happiness.

A year, where you learn to read in between lines and find the silver lining that surrounds them because then, you will find meaning and purpose in what is happening.

I wish you a year where you dear to take responsibility for your mistakes, because only doing it you will find your power.

I wish you a year where you can dear to be yourself because you will find love.

I wish you a year where you dare to be vulnerable because you will be able to connect to others.

I wish you a year where you learn to accept and respect how everything unfolds for you, so you can stop suffering.

I wish you a year where you give up trying to control what you can’t because you will find peace.

I wish you a year where you learn to turn your struggles into opportunities because then, you will figure out how to enjoy the waves.

I wish you a year where you can face your fears because it will make you stronger and liberated.

Don’t forget that we are still in the middle of the storm, but it is not going to last forever. It is temporary like our feelings.

At the end, the sun will come out again.

I wish you a year where you can find your sun ☀️

I wish you a year full of trust, joy, compassion, happiness, meaning, purpose, appreciation, empowerment, love, connection, peace, strength and freedom.

Cristina Deneve

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