Helping Individuals to Find their Power Through Healing Trauma

I can help you to connect to yourself and find your power to create a more satisfactory life. Not having control of our life or not being able to trust others can be scary and can make us feel like a victim, leaving us hopeless and helpless.
I can help you to get to know yourself better, process experiences that have negatively impacted your life and hurt your potential. I will help you to work on your blocking beliefs and find meaning and purpose on your experience.

Depression and Anxiety can be the consequence of having experiencing trauma, but usually we are not aware of it.

Healing Trauma is treating the root of your problem and can offer you another chance to rediscover yourself, increase your self-esteem and learn to love and accept yourself.
I have experience treating Trauma and I am trained in EMDR.

Traumatic memories can negatively impact all areas of our live, including our relationships when we get triggered.

I am Bilingual in Spanish and I am culturally competent. I also have experience and enjoy working with diverse populations.


My Main Focus

Healing Trauma to help individuals that feel invaded with depression and anxiety. I also help individuals to  adjust to significant changes such as life transitions,  going through divorce, adjust to a different culture, career shifts, going through different stages of life, health conditions,  getting bad news, losses, crisis in general and parental guidance.

 My Therapeutic Style

I tailor therapy to the need of each individual and I meet them where they are. Therapy will help you to connect to your inner self and your core values developing adaptive behaviors and healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the challenge that you are facing.   You are the author of your own story, I will help you re-write your narrative by using a more compassionate lens, highlighting your strengths and talents  and by helping you find meaning and purpose in your life.

Through therapy, changes can be the biggest opportunity you have to connect to yourself and become stronger and more confident in life.


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